Cybersecurity Measures

Cyber Risk Assessment:

We support the implementation of risk assessments to visualize the various cyber risks faced by companies, organizations, and their supply chains. This involves identifying potential risks appropriately and in a timely manner. We also assist in clarifying the urgency of each risk and prioritizing the implementation of risk mitigation measures (triage).

Support for Cyber Risk Mitigation Measures:

Given the emergence of new attack methods, it's increasingly challenging for companies to respond effectively and promptly. We provide support in combining various security solutions to minimize your cybersecurity risks comprehensively.


Reasons to Choose Atlas:

  • 01Attack Surface Management (ASM) Support:

    ASM addresses the entirety of vulnerabilities, such as internet-based IT assets, which could serve as entry points for cyberattacks. We provide comprehensive support for ASM, from assessment to advanced preparedness.

  • 02Countermeasures Against Web Skimming:

    Web skimming, which involves embedding malicious programs on e-commerce sites to steal users' credit card information, poses significant challenges. Our experts offer consistent support, from assessment to advanced preparedness, along with specialized solutions.。

  • 03Design and Implementation Support for Security Architecture:

    Our team of experts with advanced knowledge emphasizes the design, implementation, and operational aspects of cybersecurity measures. We support the design and implementation, considering both advanced cybersecurity measures and post-implementation operations.


Capability Examples:

  • Assessment and enhancement support for Attack Surface Management

  • Countermeasures against web skimming

  • Architecture design

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