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Inquiry Form

Thank you for contacting Atlas Technologies.
Please use the form below to reach out to us.
One of our representatives will get back to you shortly.
※We will not provide your personal information to any third party without your consent.
※Please confirm "Privacy Policy" for details.
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Click here for the notice letter regarding privacy policy.

Atlas Atlas Technologies Corp. is committed to the importance of protecting our clients’ information assets (including personal information) when conducting our consulting, project implementation support in the FinTech field. We strive to protect information assets (including personal information) appropriately, and obtain the satisfaction of everyone involved in our services. Our principal goal is to continue to serve our clients, maintain trust and be reliable.

Acquisition, use, and provision of personal information
We will specify the purposes for which personal information will be used within the scope of our business activities, and will acquire, use, and provide personal
information in a fair and appropriate manner to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. In addition, we will take measures to ensure that the acquired personal information is not used for any other purpose.
Compliance with laws and regulations
We comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, other norms, and social orders regarding personal information and information security. We protect information according to those standards.
Appropriate management of information assets
In order to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information assets (including personal information) we handle, we fully recognize the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage, and we implement reasonable safety measures and take appropriate corrective measures when problems occur.
Response to inquiries
We will respond appropriately to inquiries from the person in question regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or consultation on complaints regarding the personal information we handle.
We provide all employees with education on information security and ensure that all employees are aware of the policy in order to both heighten and maintain their awareness.
Continuous Improvement
The Company has established a management system and management structure for the protection of personal information and information security, which will be thoroughly implemented by all employees and periodically reviewed for continual improvement.
Enacted on December 2, 2019
Revised on January 1, 2021
Revised on May 1, 2022
Atlas Technologies Corporation
President and Representative Director Koji Yamamoto