In conversation with the founder

Please tell us a little about Atlas Technologies Corp.

Atlas Technologies is a Fintech consulting group. We provide consulting and project execution support services in the fields of payments, banking, securities, and insurance within the Fintech domain, both domestically and internationally. We were founded in January 2018 and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market in October 2022, marking our fifth year since establishment.

What was the motivation behind founding the company?

I had decided at the age of 18 to start my own business by the time I turned 37. On the day after my 36th birthday, I resigned from my previous job and started Atlas Technologies.

That's impressive and quite bold.

Well, it's not really an impressive story. It was a very small start with just one used computer handed down from my previous job and a capital of 500,000 yen.

I see. From such humble beginnings, you managed to go public in just five years. What are you currently focusing on?

From our establishment to listing, we focused on the payment sector within the Fintech domain. As for our strategic initiatives moving forward, there are mainly three points. Firstly, expanding our service offerings beyond the payment sector to include banking, securities, insurance, and other areas within the Fintech domain, strengthening our consulting services. Secondly, expanding into new solutions, business areas, and domains. Thirdly, accelerating growth through M&A and partnerships. In 2023, we welcomed Kapronasia Singapore Pte. Ltd. to our group, a strategic consulting firm specializing in the Fintech sector in Singapore, to strengthen and expand our consulting business in the Asia-Pacific region.

What do you want to achieve as a business leader, considering this background?

It is related to the vision of our group, but I want to realize "creating leaders who unleash the potential of people and industries." The essence of our group lies in nurturing leaders who create change domestically and internationally. We believe that solving business and social issues is an effective means to achieve this purpose. Therefore, our daily business involves conducting consulting services. In this context, I personally believe that to create unique characteristics of Atlas Technologies, we should not only support clients externally as a consulting group but also take risks from the perspective of various management resources such as human resources, assets, and finances within our group. We aim to go beyond the traditional role and function of consulting firms and create a consulting platform.

So, does that mean you don't adhere to the existing business model in the consulting industry?

That's correct. This also relates to why we chose "Technologies" rather than "Consulting" in our company name when we founded it in 2018. Since the beginning, we've harbored a desire to explore various possibilities beyond just consulting and to create economic and social value. Looking ahead, we aim to transcend not only the consulting business but also the boundaries of the Fintech domain and continue to grow our business.

What steps will you take to achieve that?

I aim to oscillate between abstraction and specificity to identify the growth potential of our business in the future. I believe the essence of things lies not in the elements themselves but in the interactions between them. Our mission, " To offer seamless solutions for embedding FinTech across all industries," is viewed in this context. Connecting these elements is my personal mission. By positioning our group as a "leader-producing company," I want to create a company where leaders who can make a difference domestically and internationally gather, providing opportunities and platforms for their growth. With such leaders, I believe we can ultimately deliver value to clients and realize new business opportunities. We place the utmost importance on the people at Atlas Technologies, and we intend to reflect this in our future business prospects.

You've overcome various challenges since the founding of the company. What's the most positive memory that stands out to you?

Two moments come to mind, one internal and one external. Internally - in February 2019 when we rented our first physical office. The rent was 200,000 yen, and although I was anxious about the high cost, I also felt the joy of having our own office for the first time. I remember assembling the office furniture with Yuji, our second team member, amidst these feelings.
Externally - it was the moment when we secured a direct contract with a major telecommunications company. At that time, our company was very small, making it difficult to submit all the required documents demanded by large corporations. However, the person in charge on the client side at that time made various adjustments internally and we were able to successfully conclude our first prime contract as a company. It was a very happy moment when our value was recognized.

Now, I'd like to ask you about yourself. Starting a business in your late thirties, were you always confident about your career path up to this point?

No, I wasn't always confident. However, I never gave up on realizing my own vision and that of the organization, and so I kept moving forward. I've faced my own uncertainties at various decision-making moments. I strongly resonate with the idea that management is about reverse engineering. To achieve something, it takes time. I believe it's crucial to set a destination and take the first step on the journey, even if it may take a long time.

How do you maintain your motivation?

As a professional who receives fees from clients and as a business owner, I try not to bring the word "motivation" into my daily life. However, being human, I do experience moments of feeling down or unmotivated. In such times, I allow myself to accept those feelings but then return to the question of why I'm doing what I'm doing. By reconnecting with my purpose, I can continue to tackle challenges and believe that I can overcome difficulties.

How do you switch between work and personal time?

Perhaps because I'm a founder, I may be in a sense always "on." I perceive time as life itself and something that cannot be regained. So, rather than distinguishing between work and personal time, I dedicate myself fully to whatever is in front of me.

Can you describe a typical day?

I'm an early riser, so I usually start work at the office around 7 a.m. Mornings are for decision-making, afternoons for input, and evenings for meeting people. I try to structure my day accordingly. On weekends, I often allocate time for deep thinking on matters that are important but not urgent in terms of business management.

Do you have any personal goals or things you want to achieve in life outside of business?

My primary goal is to live life to the fullest. There's a quote I encountered during my university days that still resonates with me: "You can always earn money again if you lose it. You can always regain trust if you lose it. But if you lose the courage to live life better, it's as good as losing everything." Ultimately, continually discovering new possibilities for myself and others is what I want to achieve personally.

That's a profound sentiment. Finally, to wrap up the interview, what kind of people would you like to work with at Atlas Technologies? Could you share a message for those who will be joining Atlas Technologies in the future?

I want to work with individuals who aspire to bring creative change to the world as leaders. This is not necessarily about specific skills like fluency in English, nor is it about age, nationality, or gender. What matters is having the intention to pursue one's desired self-growth and to create a better society together, even if it's not immediately achievable. I hope to continue building Atlas Technologies as a place that such individuals would actively choose to be part of, regardless of where they are in the world or what organization they belong to.

Thank you for your time today.

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